Jun 22, 2006

Another Day, Another Dollar, Iraq Just Keeps Getting Hotter

Well folks, I have passed the halfway mark if as you can tell my my counter. My computer is broke so I still can't post any pictures which is kinda funny because people are signing up for this internet service that we are supposed to be getting soon. Hopefully it will get fixed soon and I can update you all on everything that has been going on. Things are ever changing around here, and lots of stuff on the news lets you know that Baghdad is the place where it pretty much all happens. I wish I could let you all know more of what goes on where I am at but at this point in time it is a very sensitive subject. Who knows what the future holds for Iraq, at this point in time things aren't looking very good even though we killed their top leader. Everybody keeps wanting to look at troop pullout, but I think we need to be here for a long time possible more than 10 years, if not a permanet force like south korea. Well thats all I got folks, sorry it's been awhile since I have updated but you know how it goes.
Love ya all