May 31, 2010

I am a Soldier 24/7

Memorial Day...
The other day I was asked by a journalist "what does Memorial Day mean to you while you are on active duty?" and I thought about it for a minute and thought to myself "being on active duty doesn't change anything for me" and I went on to respond that Memorial day as a specific day for remembering my fellow brothers and sisters who have fallen is not any different than any other day to me, because I reflect on their memory constantly. To me I think that memorial day is more of a day for people who do not have a connection to the military to be reminded of the sacrifice generations of men and women have given throughout the history of our Nation, even when it wasn't united. I personally remember SGT. Nathan Field and SPC. Robert Johnson who died in Iraq January 7, 2006 every time I look at or put on my memorial bracelet with their names on it. I do not need a specific day to remember them or those who came before and after them. Furthermore, I wonder why someone would wonder if being on "active duty" would change the meaning of memorial day for me? I have been a Soldier the day I graduated basic combat training in 2000, and will continue being so until the day I hang up my uniform for the last time. Being on active duty does not add or detract from that fact, nor does it alter how I honor the memory of my fellow warriors; fallen or not.

SGT. Nathan Field

SPC. Robert Johnson

What do you think about memorial day?
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May 23, 2010

Worn Out....

So after my mission I was pretty tired, so I decided to pop a squat. Well one of my buddies thought it was funny because I sat down right in front of a sign that said "standing only"....unfourtunately it was a relfective sign and the flash washed out the words. With all the traveling that I was doing you never knew when or where you were gonna get to crash out, so as you can see on my bag to my right, I always roll out with my "combat pillow". You know they always say home is where you lay your head, well I always say home is where your pillow is (I have three in my hooch). I used to have a quilted pillow case cover that my mom made for me, but after my first tour it was kinda hurtin...and after a few repair jobs by my mom I decided it was time to give it an honorable discharge. Well wouldn't you know, mom's being mom's she had a surprise for me...another pillow case that was just like my old one! This time I decided to err on the side of prudence and not drag it to Iraq and back. So my pillow case is waiting patiently for me back home, just waiting for me to lay down on it so it can fill my head with interesting dreams, meanwhile I am stuck with just a plain ol black pillow case.

So I pose this question to you, what do you take with you everywhere you go?
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May 13, 2010

Tired of Riding in Helicopters! For now anyways....

I finally made it back home (at least the place where the majority of my pillows are) after an exhausting mission spanning 5 days and 3 different cities; Baquba, Mosul, & Kirkuk.  The mission itself was cool, I got to see a lot and touch base with a lot of the guys, but getting there was literally a pain in the side.  You see getting places in Iraq is kinda like a crap shoot...sometimes you get to where you are going fast, other times....well let's just say sitting on a Blackhawk helicopter for 5 hours is not exactly first class amenities.  To help you visualize the experience imagine sitting with your back straight for 5 hours, now add a 50 pounds of body armor...uncomfortable yet? Ok, well then add a 40 pound rucksack with all the stuff you'll be living out of for the next 5 days...uncomfortable yet?  Ok, well then add 7 other people with all their body mass and gear crammed next to and across from you so close that you have to alternate legs with those sitting across from you.  Oh so your still not uncomfortable eh?  Thinking to I can just pop in my head phones and catch some Z's...haha, you'd have to have some pretty loud head phones to even coming close to drowning out the noise of the chopper, and everybody's body heat coupled with the already high ambient temperature makes it pretty hard to doze off.  To top it all off there is no in flight movie!!! ; )
All in all it's not so bad when you have a little room, but having to sit up straight isn't very comfortable to begin with and it puts all the body armor's weight on your core which starts to cramp after about an hour...ugh not fun.  So as you can see riding in a blackhawk isn't as much fun as these guys below make it out to be (and we definitely don't get to hang out the sides).  
(image from

May 4, 2010

Iraq...Part 2

Well after a long process that started back in January and took place in 4 states, I am finally in Iraq!  Unfortunately it is the same shitty place that I remember from 05-06, but hey it makes ya appreciate what you have back in the states a WHOLE lot!  I don't have much time to write so I just wanted to write a quick post letting everyone know I made it.  If you would like to send me something either check out my amazon wish list (link at top of the blog) or send me an email at clayw2010 @ gmail .com and tell me who ya are and I'll send you my address.