May 4, 2010

Iraq...Part 2

Well after a long process that started back in January and took place in 4 states, I am finally in Iraq!  Unfortunately it is the same shitty place that I remember from 05-06, but hey it makes ya appreciate what you have back in the states a WHOLE lot!  I don't have much time to write so I just wanted to write a quick post letting everyone know I made it.  If you would like to send me something either check out my amazon wish list (link at top of the blog) or send me an email at clayw2010 @ gmail .com and tell me who ya are and I'll send you my address.


Anonymous said...

so, clay, do you get to hear what is going on stateside across the country? would you like to know?
I can give you recaps if you'd like.

love ya so much, m

Clay said...

I have net access so anything I really care to know I can find out...but an occasional sunday paper wouldn't hurt!

Chris said...

Glad to hear you made it buddy! I'll check out your amazon list and pick out something for you. Miss you man!